Here’s an excerpt from a book that I love: The Mind Gym. Highly recommended reading for those of you who wish to change their mental habits in order to achieve more, with less stress and in less time. In one word, to enjoy life!
Turning stress tactics into successful strategies:
- reducing the importance
- reducing the likelihood of the nightmare scenario
- reframing things in a positive way
- celebrating
- using mental energy wisely
- escaping
- seeking support from friends
- asking the right questions
- confronting
Tactics 1 to 7 are all to do with looking at the situation differently: they are emotion- or assessment-focused strategies.
Tactics 8 and 9 are to do with working out what action to take and then taking it. These are problem-focused strategies.
In order to but stress effectively, we often need to use a mixture of these techniques.
More info on The Mind Gym:
- Number 7 in the UK’s Top 10 Business Books of 2006.
- Winner of Best Management Handbook in the Management Today/MCA Writing Awards 2005.
- Translated into 27 different languages.